Volume 16, Issue 3 (Occupational Medicine Quarterly Journal 2024)                   tkj 2024, 16(3): 42-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Taheri A, Heidari Nesab L. Investigating the relationship between the anxiety of contracting corona virus and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder with the mediating role of mental confusion and emotion regulation in health care center employees. tkj 2024; 16 (3) :42-53
URL: http://tkj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1307-en.html
Shahed University, Tehran, Iran , heydarinasab@shaed.ac.ir
Abstract:   (141 Views)
Introduction: anxiety caused by the Corona virus transmission are highly prevalent among medical staff, so this study aims to determine the relationship between the anxiety of affected by infectious diseases and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder with the mediating role of mental confusion and emotion regulation.
MethodS and Materials: This study was carried out based on correlational method in the form of modeling of structural equations, in which 350 male and female employees working in the health and treatment centers of Neyshabur city were selected through available sampling.   Data collection tools included Madsley Practical Obsession Scale, Corona Alipour Anxiety Questionnaire, Criver, Solly and Esomil's Deliberate and Automatic Disorientation Questionnaire, and Gross and John's Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. After completing the questionnaires, data analysis using Modeling of structural equations was done with Lisrel and SPSS softwares.
Results: between the anxiety and obsessive symptoms with r = 0.576, between mental confusion and obsessive symptoms with r = 0.553, between mental confusion and anxiety with r = 0.481, There is a significant direct relationship at the level p>0.01. But between emotional regulation and obsessive symptoms with r = -0.643, between emotional regulation and anxiety with r = -0.495, between emotional regulation and mental confusion with r = -0.611 there is an inverse significant relationship. Also, the results showed the role of two mediating variables of mental confusion and emotional regulation in the relationship between corona anxiety and obsessive symptoms.
Conclusion: The model of the relationship between the anxiety caused by the transmission of the corona virus and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder according to the mediation of mental disorientation and emotion regulation has a good fit that with the increase in the number of emotions and defeat in regulating one's emotions, the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and confusion mental health also increases in the treatment staff. According to these findings, it is expected that health managers and medical centers will pay special attention to the psychological well-being of the personnel working in different parts of this profession.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2024/06/5 | Accepted: 2024/10/9 | Published: 2024/10/31
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities,

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