Volume 7, Issue 3 (Occupational Medicine Quarterly Journal 2015)                   tkj 2015, 7(3): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahimi Pordanjani T, Mohamadzade Ebrahimi A. Self-efficacy and self-regulation predicted employee's occupational accidents in an industrial company. tkj 2015; 7 (3) :1-10
URL: http://tkj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-505-en.html
, tayebe.rahimi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5014 Views)

Abstract Introduction: Accidents third cause of death in the world and is the second cause of death in our country. Identify the factors influencing occupational accidents in the prevention of these accidents are useful. One of these factors is cognitive variables. So the aim of the present study examines relationships between self-efficacy and self-regulation with occupational accidents in an industrial company. Methods: In this descriptive – correlation study, the population are all line employees that working in an industry company (N= 1160). 265 employees were selected by the use of stratified random sampling. Participants in this study were measured by using safety self efficacy, regulatory focus at work and incident reporting rata scales. In order to analyze the data, the regression analysis and in the validation stage, the confirmatory factor analysis by use software AMOS-21 and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient by use software SPSS-19 were applied. Results: Findings indicate that correlation coefficients between safety self-efficacy with occupational accidents were negative and significant (p<.0001). Correlation coefficients between Prevention focus with occupational accidents were negative and significant (p<.0001). Correlation coefficients between Promotion focus with occupational accidents were positive and significant (p<.0001). Stepwise multiple regression analyses yielded of the three independent variables, only two variables of prevention focus and safety self-efficacy found permit entry into the regression equation (R2=0.174, p<.0001). Conclusion: The results of this study showed the importance of cognitive variables of prevention focuses and safety self-efficacy as predictors of occupational accidents. Therefore, in order to select people for high risk environments such as petrochemical industry and also in training courses we should rely on these variables.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Safety and occupational accidents
Received: 2014/06/25 | Accepted: 2014/10/19 | Published: 2016/01/11

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